The results demonstrate that ChatGPT achieved an excellent mark in the examination, surpassing the pass mark by a significant margin. This indicates that ChatGPT has the potential to accurately answer medical-related MCQs and perform well in different question types, including basic science evaluation, diagnosis and decision-making. The superior performance of ChatGPT in decision-making aligns with its advanced natural language processing capabilities and its ability to generate precise responses. These findings are consistent with previous studies that have highlighted the effectiveness of ChatGPT in various domains, including medical sciences.
In a similar study evaluating the performance of ChatGPT in the US Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), the AI-based model achieved a correct answer rate of over 60%, which is equivalent to the passing score of a well-trained third-year medical student.8 Moreover, another study focusing on the three steps of the USMLE, involving 376 MCQs, also reported similar passing scores of 60%.9 Additionally, multiple studies have assessed the performance of public AI language models, such as ChatGPT, in medical licensing examinations, particularly in various specialties and subspecialties. These studies have demonstrated the success of AI models in disciplines such as radiology, ophthalmology, medical physiology and plastic surgery.10–13 It is important to note that these studies primarily evaluated the performance of ChatGPT with exams conducted in the English language. However, studies on Chinese medical exams have reported suboptimal results with ChatGPT.14 This suggests that the accuracy of ChatGPT may vary across different languages which is consistent with existing data. This forced the researchers to translate their MCQs to English in order to mitigate this bias. In this study, we also ensured the translation of questions to English by an expert in medical field terminology. On the other hand, there are reports suggesting the incompetency of ChatGPT in specific medical examinations. For instance, ChatGPT did not reach the passing threshold for life support exams, in a scenario-based examination.5 However, these controversial results may be due to technical problems like using non-standardised questions, unclear queries and also designing exams with not publicly available information.
As mentioned previously, several studies confirmed the accuracy of ChatGPT in various medical licensing examinations. However, there is a shortage of large-scale comprehensive studies in this context. It is important to note that despite its impressive performance, ChatGPT may not be able to answer all questions correctly, which is to be expected by researchers. One possible reason for this is that ChatGPT is a publicly accessible AI bot that relies on publicly available large databases to generate responses, rather than specific textbooks or specialised medical resources.
It is expected that using custom learning models based on ChatGPT’s application programming interface (API), can improve the performance of ChatGPT in medical exams.15 16 These personalised APIs may improve the results significantly in every medical field, especially on those where ChatGPT could not reach the passing mark.
An intriguing question that arises is whether AI-based models, such as ChatGPT, can replace human physicians. At present, the answer remains negative. While ChatGPT has shown remarkable performance in certain tasks, it still lags behind human physicians in terms of diagnostic accuracy and decision-making capabilities. The expertise, clinical judgement and nuanced understanding of complex medical cases that human physicians possess are not yet fully replicated by AI models.
On the other hand, the impact of using AI-based models in medical field led to some concerns for health policy-makers. Although using these models may come with potential advantages such as understanding complex language structures and categorising unstructured data, there are also some drawbacks. For example, the level of transparency in decision-making progress, ethical concerns and comprehensibility of AI-based answers may lead to potentially harmful consequences.17 Fortunately, in this study, the performance of ChatGPT in decision-making was acceptable. But using these models in real-time clinical situations is still under question. Additionally, medical students will use AI-based models in their daily educational programmes, which is another potential risk for their traditional human learning process, and in a long-time period may decrease the capabilities of human doctors.18 Therefore, regarding the usage of AI-based models in the modern era is inevitable, health and medical policy-makers should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of these AI tools and adjust their national laws due to newly coming changes. In addition, there are limited data on usefulness as well as accuracy of AI in different aspects of medicine for patients and healthcare workers. Although AI may be a powerful tool in medicine, it should be used with caution by healthcare workers.19 Overall, the ability of AI to answer MCQs will not reflect its usefulness in clinical practice as well as it could not been replaced by expert’s decision yet.
Finally, like any other study, there are several limitations to consider in this work. First, the evaluation of ChatGPT’s performance was solely based on its ability to answer MCQs in the preinternship examination. This narrow focus may not fully capture the complex and nuanced decision-making process required in real-world medical scenarios. Additionally, the study only assessed the performance of ChatGPT in a single country’s medical licensing examination, which may limit the generalisability of the findings to other healthcare systems and contexts. Further research is needed to explore the potential biases, limitations and ethical considerations associated with the use of AI models like ChatGPT in medical settings.