Planning in advance for ‘End Of Life’ care is a complex and sensitive area of healthcare, and there is significant room for misunderstandings.1–3 Such discussions and advance decisions can be mishandled without personalised counselling as misperceptions may arise about what kinds of treatments are referred to.4 Phrases such as ‘ceiling of treatment’ and ‘treatment escalation plans’ attempt to clarify in more detail the context and the conversation of the different types of treatments being discussed. This has been supplemented by additional healthcare intervention approaches to improve standardisation of documentation of teams transcribing and transferring information relating to ceiling of treatment.5 6 As a result, there has been an expansion in the vocabulary around advanced directives and end-of-life care.
Traditional approaches using standardised forms or integrated care pathways to record such sensitive advance care plans have been extremely helpful in recording such complex personalised discussions between healthcare professionals with patients, families and carers.7 Many of such advance care plans are now captured in standardised electronic form templates often with details captured in typed free-text narrative. Often words and phrases in advance care plans have very specific technical meanings to a specialist which may not match intended meaning as interpreted by a non-specialist or a non-medical individual, for example: ‘not for cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ may get misinterpreted by an untrained reader to mean that the patient is having treatments withdrawn. Conventionally, studies in this domain have often used qualitative methodologies to disentangle this.8–10
To address this quantitative research gap, a computational linguistic approach was used to analyse large amounts of data using unsupervised algorithms to detect patterns in the use of words and phrases. This aims to give computers the ability to understand human language. This process is called natural language processing (NLP). The initial NLP approach used a data-driven technique called ‘Word2Vec’ to represent words from a large body of text in a multidimensional vector space (‘latent space’), based on the contextual use of surrounding words.11 With a sufficient body of text, these ‘word embeddings’ begin to cluster and words that cluster together often have similar meaning. These embeddings therefore follow the philosophical principle first coined by Ludwig Wittgenstein in 1953“… the meaning of a word is its use in the language”.12 This ecological data-driven approach has the advantage of also capturing jargon, acronyms and unconventional language that are being used in the real-world.
Using this data-driven approach in a large body of anonymised electronic clinical text at a large urban hospital in London, we analysed whether words or phrases (‘word embeddings’) discussing advance care planning and ceilings of treatment have similar semantic clusters. We also test whether there is any correlation of these ‘word embeddings’ with mortality, and how ‘word embeddings’ are abstracted by AI into ‘concept embeddings’.