Table 1

All NHS e-therapy app survey responses by app

AppWeb or phone based (w/p)Clinical involvementAcademic involvementPublications published or forthcomingOther evidencePsychological approach or theory
Aventurine Mood ImproverPNNY*Y†Y
Beating the BluesWYYYYY
Big White WallWYNY‡Y‡Y
Black RainbowPNNNNN
Buddy AppWYNY
Depression Calculator**PYNNNN
Don’t Panic!**PYNNNY
Fear FighterWYYYYY
Five Ways to WellbeingPYNNY††Y
Ginsberg AppPYYNNY
Happy Healthy AppPYYYYN
Healthy Living**PYNNNN
Hello Brain HealthPYYY‡‡YY
How Are You AppPNYNNY
IESO Digital HealthWYYYYY
Living Life to the FullWYNYNY
Mind EdWYYY***NN
Mindfulness Bell**PNNNNN
Mindfulness by Digipill**PYNNNY
Moodkit—Mood Improvement ToolsPYYYY†††Y
Panic Attack Aid**PNNNNN
Phobia FreePYYY§§§Y¶¶¶Y
SAM: Self-help for AnxietyPYYYNN
SilverCloud HealthWYYYYY
Stay AlivePYNNNN
Stress & Anxiety CompanionPYNNNY
Stress Management AppPYYNY****Y
Take a break!PYNNNN
Thought Diary**PNNNNN
Thought Diary Pro**PNNNNN
Virtual Hope BoxPYYYYY
Worry Watch**PNNNNN
  • *References studies related to the therapy on which the app was based, rather than the app itself.

  • †The developer assessed CBT apps in a non-scientific way.

  • ‡Studies were not published at the time of the survey but were in preparation.

  • §Piloted within 12 NHS Trusts across a range of services and teams.

  • ¶Designed to work with a behavioural activation framework.

  • **Failed to respond to survey. Answered by the researcher based on publicly available information.

  • ††Had a testing/pilot phase mainly to see if the elements worked and what people thought about the app.

  • ‡‡No publications but at very early stages of two projects that will produce independent research evidence.

  • §§PhD student rather than experienced research academic.

  • ¶¶Declared no approach, but on inspection of the developer’s website, it was found that the service offers one-to-one CBT over a messenger.

  • ***Comprehensive systematic review of e-therapies.

  • †††Currently being evaluated in a large controlled efficacy trial.

  • ‡‡‡Adaption of the PANAS test.

  • §§§Research carried out independently by Roehampton University and being prepared for submission.

  • ¶¶¶Feasibility study to test acceptability, presented at Royal College Psychiatry 2013 International Congress.

  • ****Piloted to ensure the UX was appealing/useful, and so on but no formal studies.

  • ††††PhD researcher is planning research looking at how to increase engagement with online workplace therapies.

  • ‡‡‡‡2 Non-academic studies without a control group. The developer is currently planning an randomised controlled trial.

  • CBT, cognitive behaviour therapy; NHS, National Health Service; PANAS, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; UX, user experience.