Table 1


VariableMVNo MVTotalP value
Number of patients, n4951100
Age66 (57–79)59 (39–70)65 (49–75)0.011
Male, n (%)29 (59.2)28 (54.9)57 (57)0.665
ICU LOS, hours31.0 (22.5–46.8)97.5 (44.4–163.8)45.8 (24.5–117.5)<0.001
Hospital LOS, days6 (4–9)8 (5–15)7 (4–12)0.091
Death (%)2 (4.1)10 (19.6)12 (12.0)0.028
Number of comorbidities*6 (5–10)11 (6–15)8 (5–12.5)0.006
Charlson Comorbidity Score2 (1–4)1 (0–3)2 (1–3.5)0.224
Elixhauser Score5 (3–10)8 (3–15)8 (3–11.5)0.238
  • Patient and clinical characteristics, by mechanical ventilation status. Data presented as median (IQR) unless otherwise stated.

  • *Based on Primary (P) and Associated (A) ICD-10 code prefixes in diagnostic data.

  • ICD-10, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; MV, mechanical ventilation.