Table 1 Characteristics of the six participating practices
Practice 1Practice 2Practice 3Practice 4Practice 5Practice 6
Active patients21035338493153063021938
BHC employeeInternalInternalExternal CMHCExternal CMHC-Internal, BHC is grant-funded position
BHC n1211-*1
MHC n-11117-
Inception of BHC integration6 months2 years2 years2 ½ years-3 months
Integration approachIntegratedIntegratedIntegrated/coordinatedCoordinatedCo-locatedIntegrated
FTE ratio BHC:PCC1:92:161:71:20-1:2

BHC = behavioural health clinician; MHC = mental health clinician; PCC = primary care clinician; FTE = full-time equivalent.

  • * This practice had a BHC that left after recruitment and never replaced them. This clinic had 17 MHCs and two PCC which provide feedback on the BH e-Suite tool

  • Inception is calculated from the start of integration at the practice to the start of our study.