ItemModel constructMeanStd. Dev
Not enough reports are available through PhysicianConnectaNumber of reports2.641.16
Do not want all of the reports that currently come through PhysicianConnectNumber of reports2.261.46
Extra space in reports that makes reading awkwardaReport quality issues2.671.27
Lack of support for images making information more difficult to conveyaReport quality issues2.491.18
Date formats from reports not compatible with our EMRReport quality issues1.781.01
Duplicate reports receivedaReport quality issues3.481.29
Reports received in a way that does not allow cut/paste of informationReport quality issues2.531.38
Reports received for mis-identified or unknown patientsaReport quality Issues2.401.10
Unable to upgrade EMR due to version incompatibilityReport quality issues2.161.28
System reliability (i.e. stops sending reports)aSystem reliability2.311.06
No way to tell whether data are flowing through the system or notaSystem reliability2.731.38
Lack of support from hospitals about system issuesaService quality2.491.27
Lack of support from EMR vendor about system issuesaService quality2.911.33
  • All items measured on a 5-point scale where 1 = not at all, 3 = to some extent and 5 = to a very great extent

  • a indicates items retained in final model