Patient | Year of birth |
Gender |
Marital status |
Pensioner status |
Postcode |
Aboriginal and torres strait islander (ATSI) status |
Clinical | Consultation characteristics (date, duration, reason for visit, Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items billed) |
Smoking and alcohol usage characteristics |
Allergies |
Blood group |
Pathology ordered characteristics and related results |
Clinical measurements (eg, blood pressure, height, weight, cholesterol) |
Immunisation details |
Current and past diagnoses |
Pregnancy-related history |
Prescribed medications |
Medication-related information (dosage, strength, frequency, duration, therapeutic class, generic equivalent) |
Medication review details |
Asthma plan details |
Care plan details |
Practice | Opening hours |
Group/solo status |
Number of nurses & doctors in the practice |
Doctor/nurse characteristics (year of birth, gender) |