Table 1 Demographic characteristics of AS observer participants
Total, n223
Mean age at recruitment in years (SD)50.2 (13.9)
Mean disease duration in years (SD)16.9 (14.2)
Male, n (%)136 (61.0)
Female, n (%)87 (39.0)
Mean BMI* (SD)26.7 (5.4)
Smoking status
Never, n (%)126 (56.5)
Former, n (%)78 (35.0)
Current, n (%)19 (8.5)
HLA-B27 Status
Positive, n (%)120 (53.8)
Negative, n (%)28 (12.6)
Unknown, n (%)75 (33.6)
Diagnosed by
Consultant, n (%)194 (87.0)
GP, n (%)29 (13.0)
Frequency of rheumatology visits
Less than twice a year, n (%)107 (48.0)
Twice a year, n (%)73 (32.7)
More than twice a year, n (%)43 (19.3)
Biologics (Anti-TNF), n (%)84 (37.8)
Steroids, n (%)15 (6.8)
DMARDs, n (%)6 (2.7)
Painkillers, n (%)117 (52.7)
Mean comorbidities, (SD)2.1 (2.1)
Mean number of tool uses, (SD; range)8 (3; 1–12)
Mean BASDAI, (SD; range)3.9 (2.1; 0–9)
Mean IPAQ, (SD; range)***4,117 (5,683; 0–62,582)
Mean howRu (SD; range)8.5 (2.1; 1.8–12)
  • * BMI data was not available for 18 participants, and an additional two participants were excluded as the reported height and weight gave BMIs substantially outside of normal ranges, i.e. BMIs of 4 and 198

  • ** indicates primary medication listed by participants from dropdown list; n = 222 for medications as one participant did not complete data entry. Medication options were as follows: simple oral pain killer tablets, e.g. aspirin or paracetamol; oral anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) tablets, e.g. diclofenac, ibuprofen or naproxen; Opioid medication, e.g. morphine tablets or patches or tramadol; DMARDs (disease modifying anti-rhe umatic drugs) Methotrexate and/or Sulphasalazine; Oral steroid tablets; Steroid injection; Biologic therapy – Adalimumab (Humira), Etanercept (Enbrel), Golimumab (Simponi) or Infliximab (Remicade)

  • *** Analysed on the log scale but converted back to MET minutes per week here