Table 5

Summary of test performance predicting one or more unplanned admissions within 1 year of discharge for different case finding algorithms

MethodCountryModelData sourcesTotal separations (patients)Test separations (patients)Target: 1 or more unplanned in 12 months
Auroc (95% CI)Sensitivity (95% CI)Specificity (95% CI)
HURTAustraliaXGBoostIP,ED, OP, ABS206 714 (125 743)34 801 (27 216)74.9% (74.2 to 75.5)39.2% (38.2 to 40.2)90% (89.5 to 90.4)
Billings et al25 2013UKWeighted scoreIP, ED, OP, GPN/A (1 836 099)N/A (N/A)78%* (N/A)42%† (N/A)N/A (N/A)
QAdmission Score26UKWeighted scoreIP, ED, OP, GP12 957 648 (4 870 488)N/A (N/A)Women: 77.3% (77.1 to 77.8)
Men: 77.6% (77.4 to 77.8)
SPARRA V427UKEnsemble (ANN, RF, XGB, GLM, NB)IP, ED, OP, GP12 957 648 (4 870 488)4 300 000 (N/A)80.1% (SE: 0.023)~52% ‡ (N/A)~90%‡ (N/A)
  • *Patient-level performance.

  • †Recall was 78%.

  • ‡Estimated from figure 2 (a).27

  • ABS, Australian Bureau of Statistics; ANN, Artificial Neural Network; ED, emergency department; GLM, Generalised Linear Model; GP, general practitioner; HURT, Hospital Unplanned Readmission Tool; IP, inpatient; N/A, not available; NB, Naive Bayes; OP, outpatient; RF, Random Forest; XGBoost, Extreme Gradient Boosting.