Table 2

Characteristics of chronically infected hepatitis B virus (HBV) cohort

Number of patients (total)960
Age at the beginning of follow-up: median (range)36 (2–80)
Gender (%)
 Male502 (52.3)
 Female389 (40.5)
 Unknown69 (7.2)
Ethnicity (%)
 White106 (11.0)
 Mixed11 (1.2)
 Asian220 (22.9)
 Black161 (16.8)
 Other72 (7.5)
 Unknown390 (40.6)
HDV coinfection
 Yes (%)17 (1.8)
 No (%)468 (48.7)
 Unknown (%)475 (49.5)
HCV coinfection
 Yes (%)75 (7.8)
 No (%)347 (36.1)
 Unknown (%)538 (56.1)
HIV coinfection
 Yes (%)7 (0.7)
 No (%)427 (44.5)
 Unknown (%)526 (54.8)
Documented comorbidities
 Diabetes (%)30 (3.1)
 Depression (%)28 (2.9)
 Chronic kidney disease (%)16 (1.7)
 Coagulation disorder (%)22 (2.3)
 Cryoglobulinaemia (%)3 (0.3)
 Cancer (%)21 (2.2)
 Liver cancer (%)1 (0.1)
 Other cancer (%)20 (2.1)
Severity of liver disease
 Cirrhosis (%)27 (2.8)
 Decompensated (%)4 (0.4)
 Child–Pugh Score: median (IQR)NA
 Fibroscan stiffness: median (IQR)5.3 (2.4)
 MELD Score: median (IQR)NA
Patients treated (%)*254 (26.5)
Lab tests at baseline
 Alanine aminotransferase (IU/L)
 Untreated group: median (IQR)29 (25)
 Treated group: median (IQR)39 (37)
HBV DNA (log10 IU/mL)
 Untreated group: median (IQR)3.15 (1.58)
 Treated group: median (IQR)4.26 (3.67)
Hepatitis B e antigen positive
 Untreated group (%)82/706 (11.6)
 Treated group (%)84/254 (33.1)
  • For a continuous variable, median and the IQR are calculated, for a categorical variable, the number and the percentage of patients is provided.

  • *Patients who had at least one episode of treatment recorded.

  • MELD, Model For End-Stage Liver Disease; NA, not available.