Table 1

Baseline information of the participants

TotalCICSBookletP value
Male, n (%)72 (72)36 (72)36 (72)1.0*
Female, n (%)28 (28)14 (28)14 (28)
Age, mean (SD)62.92 (10.8)63.02 (9.97)62.94 (11.70)0.997†
CMMSE: mean (SD)22.85 (2.9)22.84 (2.9)22.86 (2.9)0.63†
Diagnosis, n (%)0.843*
 Right AIS34 (34)17 (34)17 (34)
 Right acute brain stroke17 (17)8 (16)9 (9)
 Left AIS33 (33)18 (36)15 (30)
 Left acute brain stroke15 (15)7 (14)8 (16)
 Cerebellar1 (1)0 (0)1 (2)
CT finding, n (%)0.951*
 Large vessel arthrosclerosis132022
 No abnormal finding4258
NIHSS, mean (SD)
 First day2.28 (1.87)2.34 (1.83)2.22 (1.93)0.65†
Systolic BP, mean (SD)
 First day158.15 (29.13)159.16 (30.2)157.14 (28.26)0.69†
Diastolic BP, mean (SD)
 First day91.87 (18.73)92.36 (20.69)91.38 (16.73)0.92†
  • *Fisher’s exact test.

  • †Mann-Whitney U test.

  • AIS, acute ischeamic stroke; BP, blood pressure; CICS, customised interactive computer education system; CMMSE, Chinese Mini-Mental State Examination; NIHSS, National Institute of Health and Stroke Scale.