Early identification is vital for children with ASD to ensure their access to timely intervention and to optimise long-term outcomes. In this study, we demonstrated the feasibility of predicting ASD diagnosis at early ages using health claims data and machine learning models. We found that LASSO LR and RF models achieved an overall AUROC above 0.75 when predicting ASD diagnosis at age of 24 months. Our results also showed that prediction performance increased with age at the time of prediction. This is reasonable because more clinical information accumulated over a longer follow-up period since birth may contain more distinctive patterns to effectively differentiate children with ASD. The prediction models developed in our study are clinically interpretable. Key predictors, such as sex (male), developmental delays, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory system infections and otitis media have shown strong predictive values for ASD diagnosis, which are in line with previous clinical studies that have shown these symptoms being associated with ASD children. Finally, our study showed that separating inpatient and outpatient claims as predictors could further improve the prediction accuracy.
In our study, both LASSO LR and RF models showed promising accuracy in predicting ASD diagnosis based on an individual’s medical claims data. This robust finding implies that there may exist distinct patterns in health conditions and health service needs among young children with ASD, well before the onset of most hallmark ASD behavioural symptoms. Such predictive signals can be easily extracted from the electronic health records or medical claims administrative data, and used for the early identification of ASD cases. We also observed differences in the performance between the two models. The RF model outperformed the LASSO LR model in general, likely because, with its tree-based model structure, the RF model is better at capturing complex interactive effects among the predictor variables to distinguish between the ASD and non-ASD cases, whereas the LR model synthesises the effects of multiple variables additively. The advantage of the RF model became more salient when input variables were separated by inpatient and outpatient claims into a more granular level.
Our study has made an important contribution to applying health informatics in the field of ASD. Although there exists a plethora of literature identifying individual risk factors of ASD, using large healthcare service data and machine learning models to systematically predict ASD diagnosis has remained much less explored. Unlike existing clinical informatics studies that focused on detecting ASD subtypes,16 17 we aim to detect ASD cases among the general children population, that is, the early detection. This could be particularly challenging due to the low prevalence of ASD in the general population (ie, a highly imbalanced dataset), and the scarcity of information available at such a young age. Nevertheless, our model showed promising prediction performance. The RF model with separated inpatient and outpatient encounters achieved a specificity of 96.4% at a sensitivity of 40% for the ASD prediction at the age of 24 months, outperforming the accuracy of the existing ASD-specific screening tool (sensitivity: 38.8%; specificity: 94.9%) from a clinical observational study.7 It is worth noting that under a similar ASD prevalence (2.2%), our model showed a higher PPV (20.5% vs 14.6%).
Our prediction model for ASD diagnosis could lead to a significant impact on the screening strategies for ASD in young children. Although the AAP guidelines recommend universal screening in all children, it has been debated that, without the perfect screening tool, universal screening may result in overburdened diagnostic services in the healthcare system as these clinical resources are in extremely short supply.30 Our prediction models have demonstrated promising improvement over the existing ASD screening tool by using clinical information, which could potentially serve as a ‘triaging tool’ for identifying high-risk patients for diagnostic evaluation. Moreover, the models only based on health claims data makes it practically feasible to integrate into an EHR system or insurance claims database. It could further enable an automatic screening tool, which can continuously monitor an individual’s risk as new diagnosis and procedure information emerges, and send reminders to patients or providers for a timely clinical assessment if necessary. On the other hand, it is possible that some diagnosis and procedure information appear after a concern that the child had autism has already existed, such as following a positive screening event, which could alter the course of subsequent clinical events. As such, our prediction model is not designed to direct the screening decisions, but rather a tool to enhance the screening accuracy. If more detailed electronic health record data were available, the proposed risk prediction model could be further extended by incorporating screening results with clinical information, or by differentiating the clinical information before versus after the screening events, to further improve the accuracy of identifying high-risk ASD cases for further diagnostic evaluation.
Our study has several limitations. First, diagnosis of ASD established only based on existing diagnosis codes from claims data could be inaccurate and unreliable sometimes in practice. We followed a validated approach in ASD health service research literature to identify the ASD cohort in our study.31 Second, the absence of ASD diagnosis codes in one’s health record may not necessarily indicate an individual not having ASD, especially for children born in later years, due to limited follow-up time prior to the cut-off date in the database. Thus, we required full enrollment up to 60 months without ASD diagnoses to identify the non-ASD cohort, and verified the robustness of our base case results in a sensitivity analysis requiring full enrolment up to 72 months. Third, as autistic children are likely to have a wide range of comorbid conditions with various frequencies, for individuals who do not present comorbid conditions from the past healthcare encounter data, our model may provide limited value. Our risk prediction model can be further augmented by additional information other than information from the health claims database, such as ASD/developmental screening results and behaviour-related information from a more comprehensive EHR dataset in future studies. Lastly, the diagnosis and procedure codes in insurance claims data may be subject to variabilities and irregularities. Instead of the original detailed clinical codes, we used aggregated CCS categories for diagnoses and procedures for more robust clinical measures.