In this study, we developed and validated a model to predict next-day census in the surgical unit of a large tertiary paediatric hospital. We used a hierarchical modelling framework in order to isolate and evaluate the importance of individual prediction components (temporal, current census, discharges, admissions) and to evaluate which predictive factors best predict each of the components. This model was able to predict admissions with a median error of 16.7% (two patients per day), predict discharges with a median error of 21% (three patients per day) and predict next-day census with a median error of 7% (three patients per day). The factors found to be of most significance in predicting next-day census were the day of the week, followed by the number of predicted admissions, and finally the number of predicted discharges.
In addition to the prediction of next-day census, a particular focus was given for the prediction and analysis of the LOS after surgery. Based only on procedure-related data, a separate random forest model was able to predict LOS with a median error of 36% or 0.8 days per patient. By far the most significant factor for this prediction of LOS was the procedure duration. Longer procedures were associated with longer hospital stays, both when comparing all procedures only by their duration and when comparing the same procedure for different durations. These results are consistent with prior studies that have shown an association between procedure duration and total LOS,10 19 20 yet these other studies were all carried out in an adult population where different factors drive procedure duration.21 The association between procedure duration and LOS is not surprising, as major procedures are expected to take longer than minor procedures and to require longer in-hospital recovery time. Studies also suggest that prolonged procedures are associated with an increased risk for perioperative surgical-site infections, thus contributing even more to the overall LOS.10
The hierarchical modelling framework used in this study enables better understanding of the factors driving capacity issues and prediction accuracy. This approach also lends itself well to stepwise model implementation, from basic top-down temporal features such as day-of-week and holidays to bottom-up features extracted from detailed order sets using advanced natural language processing tools. In this study, we show the contribution of these different ‘building blocks’ and highlight the importance of easy-to-obtain temporal information to the overall prediction. In addition, we provide a systematic investigation of paediatric surgical procedures with respect to postoperative hospital LOS. We show that the LOS can be predicted with good accuracy based on procedures data alone, and that procedure duration is highly predictive of the total LOS for most, but not for all paediatric procedures. Since paediatric surgical procedures differ greatly from adult procedures, and since previous studies have focused on the adult population, our results can provide an important contribution to the field of paediatric capacity planning.
This study has several limitations. First, it is a single-centre retrospective study of a tertiary paediatric hospital, and thus, the findings may not be applicable to other settings. Second, while the present model was developed to predict next-day census, other settings may require different timescales for prediction—from the prediction of hourly changes in census, to long-term prediction of the census in the next week, month or year. These different timescales will require retraining of the model according to the desired outcomes. Third, only procedures completed prior to the surgical-unit admission were included in the models, possibly omitting valuable information from the prediction. Nevertheless, we would expect the models to only improve if this information would be added in future implementations. Fourth, as in any prediction model, the census prediction model is not 100% accurate. When used in clinical practice, clinicians and administrators can incorporate its predictions as one of several inputs in their decision-making processes. Lastly, our data included only data recorded prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and thus may not be representative of data collected during the pandemic.
As the cost of building inpatient bed spaces continues to rise and financial pressure on paediatric hospitals increases, efficient utilisation of existing inpatient spaces becomes increasingly vital for healthcare sustainability. Predictive tools make the smoothing of elective procedures feasible and enable proactive planning to align staffing and other expensive resources. Similarly, in facilities with excess capacity, predictive tools help minimise waste of resources during periods of low occupancy. Facility planning and long-range staffing strategies will be more accurate with the help of high-performance system-wide prediction models. As healthcare resources are not stretched too much, quality and patient safety can be improved greatly.
We have shown that surgery occupancy prediction in a paediatric setting is plausible. We have further shown that surgical unit occupancy is dependent on both top-down temporal factors as well as bottom-up individual-patient information, including data on surgical procedures planned and performed, occupancy in other related departments, and clinical and administrative orders given to admitted patients. A hierarchical modelling framework that combines both types of factors has the potential to be better suited for predicting future surgical-unit occupancy, supporting decision-makers in their quest for improved scheduling, staffing and resource planning, reducing overcrowding and cancellations of surgeries in paediatric healthcare settings.