This study confirms that MAEs are a frequent occurrence in hospitals, with a baseline clinical MAE rate of 30.2%. This rate is at the higher end of the range of those previously reported, with a systematic review of 52 direct observational studies finding a median error rate of 19.6% (IQR 8.6%–28.3%) of medication administrations with at least one error, including wrong timing errors.9 Procedural errors were particularly frequent, with 74.1% of administrations incurring one or more procedural error.
The introduction of EMS in our two study hospitals reduced the overall occurrence of clinical MAEs by 4.24 errors per 100 administrations, a reduction of 14%. There are few comparative study results. Vicente Oliveros et al
12 conducted a before and after EMS study which involved two pharmacists directly observing medication administrations and identifying and classifying errors in real time. They reported a significant 23.1% decline in the overall proportion of medication administrations with errors post-EMS from 48.0% to 36.9% (p<0.05). The greatest reduction was observed in omitted dose errors, which halved. A direct observational study of 428 ‘opportunities for administration errors’ on a geriatric ward in an English hospital found no significant change in MAE rates following EMS implementation (4.2%, 95% CI 2.3% to 6.1% pre-EMS vs 3.4%, 95% CI 1.9% to 5.0% post-EMS) but excluded wrong timing errors.13 In that study the observers usually viewed patients’ medication charts prior to observing the administration process, which may have introduced a source of bias. A further English study by Franklin et al
17 using similar methods on one general surgery ward over 56 drug rounds reported a significant 4.2% reduction in MAEs (from 8.6% pre-EMS to 4.4% post-EMS; p=0.0003). In contrast to our study, Franklin et al
17 found no change in mean severity score for MAEs post-EMS. Without control wards it is difficult to assess the extent to which results from previous studies can be attributed to the EMS. As our study demonstrates, without the data from our control wards we would have substantially overestimated the changes in MAE rates on the intervention wards attributable to EMS use.
The overall decrease in MAEs we identified post-EMS was largely driven by a decline in wrong timing errors, which fell by 3.4 errors per 100 administrations, approximately a 17% reduction from baseline rates. Wrong timing errors were the second most frequent clinical error at baseline, consistent with previous reports. Keers et al
9 reported in their systematic review that approximately 80% of MAE studies reporting wrong timing errors identified them as one of the top 3 most common error types. The definition of wrong timing applied in these studies varied, but administration within ±60 min of scheduled administration was the most often applied definition. As our results indicate, EMS systems may be particularly helpful in guarding against wrong timing errors and dose omissions due to the capacity of systems to highlight and flag scheduled doses.18–21 We were unable to study dose omissions, as not all medication administrations on the wards were observed and thus it was impossible to be certain that a dose was missed.
The effectiveness of EMS in reducing prescribing error rates in our study hospitals has been published previously.22 The introduction of EMS had a greater effect on reducing prescribing error rates than on MAE rates, with 57.5%–66.1% reductions in prescribing errors on the intervention wards. The magnitude of the effect on overall MAEs we found was lower, at around 14%. However, despite the modest overall reduction in MAEs, there was a substantial reduction, of 56%, in the proportion of MAEs that were rated as potentially serious (from 4.2 to 1.8 potentially serious MAEs per 100 administrations) on the intervention wards post-EMS. In a direct observational study of 2314 medication administrations in two clinical units in a Spanish hospital which had an EMS in place along with automated dispensing cabinets, an MAE rate of 22 per 100 administrations was reported. In total, 2.7% of those errors required some form of additional monitoring or resulted in temporary harm to patients.23
Our study provides valuable prevalence data on specific categories of MAEs. As other studies have reported,9 24 we found that intravenous medications had high rates of clinical errors at baseline and post-EMS, with the most frequent clinical error category being wrong intravenous infusion rate (46.2% of all intravenous administrations at baseline) and wrong volume errors which occurred at a rate of 12% of intravenous administrations. Intravenous medication administrations are a known high-risk event for patient safety, having previously been estimated to be five times more likely to have an error in their administration than non-intravenous medications.2
Nurses failing to follow medication administration procedural policies and guidelines was common. At baseline, only one in four medication administrations complied with all relevant procedures studied (74.1% non-compliant). Nurses failed to have infusion pump rates checked by a second nurse 63% of the time. Kim and Bates25 reported non-adherence rates of up to 95.5% for certain medication administration guidelines. Assuming that the guidelines correctly identify processes at high risk of error, the low compliance rate could be contributing to the high frequency of MAEs, although for many of the accepted safety procedures there is insufficient evidence to determine that they are effective in reducing MAEs in practice (eg, double-checking).26 Certain guidelines are frequently not followed, which suggests that there are learnt workplace behaviours or organisational culture factors that could be addressed.27 For example, a study by Drach-Zahavy et al
28 linked the learning culture on wards to MAE rates. The EMS could potentially reduce demands on nurses associated with some safety procedures. For example, aiding dose calculations could reduce cognitive demands in the double-checking process.
Following EMS implementation, we found no change in the overall procedural error rate. We examined a broad range of procedures, some of which involved direct interaction with the EMS (eg, recording and signing for administrations; correctly checking patient identification) while others (eg, use of aseptic technique and temporary storage of medications) did not. For several medication administration procedures (eg, temporary storage of medications, using aseptic technique, double-checking administration of ‘dangerous drugs’ and checking patient identification prior to administration), compliance substantially decreased on the intervention wards compared with the control wards. These results may reflect an increased burden of the EMS on nurses’ time and workflow efficiency, with nurses skipping steps to make up for time spent using the system.29 Another possibility is that it is an artefact of being observed—staff may initially have been more vigilant in complying with all procedural guidelines, but once the intervention was introduced they may have assumed the observers were more interested in the EMS than the whole MAE process, or were unable to maintain the same level of vigilance due to increased cognitive demands placed on them while using the new system. However, our study is unable to shine a light on the reasons for non-compliance with the range of medication administration procedures captured. Understanding the way EMS are used, how, for example, system interfaces and functionality facilitated or inhibited work, and why specific procedures are followed or not is best investigated using qualitative methods.30 As others have reported, the introduction of medication technologies influences the ways in which work is performed in both expected and unexpected ways.31 32 Whatever the reasons, our results indicate that introduction of an EMS was not associated with increased compliance with many core medication safety procedures.
However, one substantial area of procedural improvement on the intervention wards was the measurement of patients’ blood pressure and pulse prior to administration of digoxin. This result related to the addition of targeted decision support in the EMS which alerted nurses to this requirement prior to administration. On the intervention wards there was a 40.3% increase in compliance with this procedure post-EMS, suggesting that judicious use of alerts and other decision support tools can be effective.
This is the first controlled, multisite, before and after study to quantify the impact of EMS on MAE rates, but it has some limitations. The intervention wards were selected by hospital management for operational reasons and could not be randomised. Only a sample of medication administrations were observed during the study periods, and therefore dose omissions could not be included. As dose omissions have been reported in several studies as a common MAE type,8 19 21 33 34 and also an error type that can be reduced by the introduction of an EMS,19 we may have underestimated both the true frequency of MAEs at baseline and also the impact of the intervention.
In summary, we found that the introduction of EMS at two hospitals was associated with a modest, but significant, reduction in overall MAE rate, and the proportion of MAEs rated as potentially serious halved. While the effects of the EMS on MAE reduction were less than the reductions previously reported for prescribing errors, it is important to recognise that the introduction of these systems is a foundation for moving towards complete closed-loop medication systems which incorporate further technologies, such as bar-coding, and can bring additional benefits in error reduction.17 35 Thus, in assessing these systems the summative value of the different components is an important consideration.